Nuclear Winterパーク一覧
Blocker(1): Take 45% less damage from your opponent’s melee attacks
Clubber(1): +40% melee damage
Lock and Load(1): Heavy guns reload 30% faster
Martial Artist(1): Your melee weapons weigh 60% less and you can swing them 30% faster
Strong Back(1): 25 Carry Weight
Bullet Killer(3): 60 DR & ER while firing a heavy gun
Master Heavy Gunner(3): +40% damage for non-explosive heavy weapons
Bullet Shield(3): Gain 60 damage resistance while firing a heavy gun.
Incisor(3): Your melee weapons ignore 60% of your targets armor
Master Shotgunner(3): 40% more damage with shotguns
Walking Arsenal(9): All weapons weigh 75% less
Crack Shot(1): All Pistols now have 30% more range and much better accuracy when sighted
Long Shot(1): Your rifles have 30% more range and excellent accuracy when sighted
Picklock(1): You can picklock all locked containers in Nuclear Winter
Refractor(1): You now gain +40 energy resistance
Skeetshooter(1): Shotguns have better accuracy and spread
Sniper(1): Gain improved control and hold your breath 75% longer while aiming with scopes
Grenadier(3): Your explosives detonate with twice the radius
Groundpounder(3): 30% reload & better hipfire accuracy for auto rifles
Master Commando(3): 40% damage for automatic rifles
Master Rifleman(3): 40% non auto rifle damage
Tank Killer(6): Rifles ignore 40% armor
Fashion Finder(6): Nearby power armor appears on compass
Lock Detector(6): Nearby active terminals appear on the compass
Briefcase Detector(9): Nearby briefcases appear on compass
Chem Fiend(1): Any chems you take last 100% longer
Lifegiver(1): Gain a total of +45 to your maximum health
Rad Resistant(1): You now have +40 radiation resistance
Aquaboy(3): You no longer take rad damage from swimming and can breathe underwater
Ironclad(3): 50 damage and energy resist (no power armor)
Ghoulish(9): Radiation now regenerates your lost health
Creature Crusher(1): Deal 100% more damage to creatures during Nuclear Winter
E.M.T.(1): Players you revive come back with high health regen for 60 seconds
Healing Hands(1): Players you revive are cured of all rads
Monster Muffler(1): Resist 50% of damage from creatures in Nuclear Winter
Rad Sponge(1): When affected by rads, periodically heal 50 rads on nearby teammates
Bodyguards(3): Gain 12 damage & energy resist (max 36) for each teammate excluding yourself
Overly Generous(3): Rads increase your chance to inflict 50 Rads with melee attacks
Spiritual healer (3): You regenerate health for 10 seconds after reviving another player
Strange In Numbers(3): Positive mutation effects are +25% stronger if teammates are mutated too
Field Surgeon(6): Stimpacks and Radaway will now work much more quickly
Team medic(6): Stimpacks heal nearby teammates
Suppressor(9): Reduce your targets damage output by 30% for 2 seconds after you attack
Tenderizer(9): target receives 20% more dmg for 10 seconds
Hacker(1): You can hack all active terminals in Nuclear Winter
Pharmacist(1): RadAway removes twice as much radiation
Wrecking Ball(1): You deal +120% damage to workshop objects
Demolition expert(3): 80% explosive damage
Nerd Rage(3): Gain 100 damage resist, 20% damage and 15% ap regen while below 20% health
First Aid(6): Stimpaks restore 45% more lost health
Stabilized(9): In Power Armor, heavy guns gain excellent accuracy and ignore 45% armor
Agility: Action boy/girl (1) AP regenerates 60% faster
Dead Man Sprinting(1): Sprint 20% faster at increased AP cost when your health is below 50%
Marathoner(1): Sprinting consumes 40% fewer action points
Modern Renegade(1): Gain excellent pistol hip fire accuracy.
Adrenaline(3): Gain 10% (max 60) damage for 30s per kill. Duration refreshes with kills
Dodgy(3): Avoid 30% damage for 30 AP a hit
Cowboy(3): 40% for all pistols
Moving Target(3): Gain 45 damage and energy resistance while sprinting (no power armor)
White Knight(6): Armor breaks slower
Goat Legs(9): Take no damage from falling
Frog Legs(9): Jump 300% higher
Class Freak(1): The negative effects of your mutations are reduced by 75%
Last laugh(1): You drop a live grenade from your inventory when you are downed
Pharma Farma(1): Search NW chests for an 80% chance to find extra aid items
Quick Hands(1): Gain 25% chance to instantly reload when your clip is empty
Scrounger (Luck 1): 80% chance to find extra ammo when you “search” a Nuclear Winter container.
Lucky break(6): High chance armor will repair itself when receiving damage
Bloody Mess(9): 15% damage with all weapons
Nuclear Winterでのオススメパークは?
MASTER RIFLEMAN:ノンオートマチックライフルのダメージが40%追加される。
MASTER HEAVY GUNNER:非爆発系のヘビーガンのダメージが40%追加される
Pharma Farma
Nuclear Winterではスティムパックがかなり強力で使用するまでの時間はほとんどないのでダメージを受けたらスティムパックを使用することで高HPを維持しながら戦闘することができます。
ラジウムライフルで攻撃された場合RADダメージが残るのでRADアウェイをたくさん持っていた方が良い、Nuclear Winter中でも変異がありRADアウェイが残っていればRADダメージを受けて変異を狙うこともできるようになるので戦略的にも使えるパークとなります。
Walking Arsenal
Nuclear Winterで強力な武器のほとんどが重量の重いヘビーガンです。